
Writing Kit (2) with Workbook (絕)

作者:Jamie Blackler

出版商:Cengage Learning

內容介紹 本書特色

    The Writing Kit series prepares students for a wide variety of English writing tasks using a step-by-step method. There are four books designed for primary school students to develop their writing skills.

    Each Writing Kit book contains 12 units. The topics have been carefully selected, so it is practical and relevant to students' daily lives.
    Students begin every unit by learning essential vocabulary that is pertinent to the main topic. Next, key grammar points are introduced. Students are guided to express their ideas grammatically, but also instructed to expand on them clearly. This allows students to compare and contrast as well as provide descriptive passages. At this point, students are required to read a model writing sample in order to better understand how to formulate their own ideas in a clear and coherent manner. Finally, once students make an outline, they can express their ideas in a paragraph of their own.
    Writing Kit is a useful and engaging series which provides primary school students simple steps to effective writing. Workbook exercises provide for a comprehensive examination and reinforce the concepts learned in each unit. This enables students to readily build upon the skills that they have acquired. students will start to write, enjoy writing and learn to be great writers themselves!

    • Student Book with Workbook
    • Teacher's Guide


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