
Computer Networks 6/e

作者:Andrew S. Tanenbaum Nick Feamster David J. Wetherall
原價:NT$ 1,380

出版商:Pearson Education

內容介紹 本書特色 目錄

    In Computer Networks,Tanenbaum et al. explain how networks work from the inside out. They start withthe physical layer of networking, computer hardware and transmission systems,then work their way up to network applications. Each chapter follows aconsistent approach: The book presents key principles, then illustrates themutilizing real-world example networks that run through the entire book theInternet, and wireless networks, including Wireless LANs, broadband wireless,and Bluetooth. The 6th Edition is updated throughout to reflect the mostcurrent technologies, and the chapter on network security is rewritten to focuson modern security principles and actions.

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