
Principles of Athletic Training: A Guide to Evidence-Based Clinical Practice 16/e

作者:William Prentice 
原價:NT$ 2,500


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    A Doody's Core Title for 2015!

    Principles of Athletic Training: A Competency-Based Approach is designed to be used by athletic trainers in courses concerned with the scientific, evidence-based and clinical foundations of athletic training and sports medicine. The text leads the student from general foundations to specific concepts relative to injury prevention, evaluation, management, and rehabilitation. As the student progresses from beginning to end, he or she will understand the complexities of the profession of athletic training. An over-arching goal of the text is to make certain that each and every one of the educational competencies identified by the Education Council is specifically covered. After using this text the student should be able to apply the appropriate techniques and concepts in the day-to-day performance of his or her job as an athletic trainer.

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