
(E-Book) Workbook for Tonal Harmony: With an Introduction to Post-Tonal Music 8/e

作者:Stefan Kostka, Dorothy Payne, Byron Almén
原價:NT$ 1,000


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    Grade Levels: 9-12

    Leading Text, Straightforward Approach to AP Music Theory

    For more than two decades Tonal Harmony has been the leading text for AP Music Theory students and music majors. Used at nearly 800 schools, Tonal Harmony has been consistently praised for its practicality and ease of use for student and teacher alike. The straightforward approach is supported by well-chosen examples and thoughtful exercises, and the total presentation is compatible with differing teaching styles and theoretical points of view.

    This edition also includes:
    • A student workbook (available in print and digital format.) All audio excerpts needed to complete the exercises are embedded in the eBook workbook.
    • Connect® with SmartBook™ adaptive reading experience.
    • Embedded audio, in the SmartBook, featuring recordings of every example from music literature found in the text, performed using the same instrumentation seen in the examples.
    • Interactive drills embedded in the Smartbook, which offer students a wealth of hands-on practice as they read. 

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