
Fun Reading (3) Student book with Workbook and Audio App

作者:Casey Malarcher
原價:NT$ 460

出版商:Seed Learning
頁數/規格:80頁+36頁/平裝彩色, CEFR Level:A2-Low
參考網頁:Fun Reading Series


    【內容試閱 請點我】
    Fun Reading is a three-level series designed for elementary students of English who are moving from the learning-to-read stage into the reading-to-learn stage. Fun Reading incorporates short and simple fiction and non-fiction texts to support students in developing fundamental readins skills required for future study of academic material in English. Strict vocabulary control of all passages and activities allows students to gradually accumulate new vocabulary while practicing learned items from previous units.

    • Graded fiction and non-fiction reading passages
    • Pre-reading questions to stimulate interest and background knowledge
    • Fun seek-and-find questions that ask students to carefully consider illustrations and photos
    • Review units with activities and games to reinforce vocabulary acquisition
    • Fun illustrations and images that aid in comprehension and retention
    • Pull-out full-color workbook included

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