
Ahead with FCE for schools B2 Teacher's Book with 8 Practice tests

作者:Sean Haughton
原價:NT$ 650

出版商:Ahead Books Publications
參考網頁:Ahead with FCE for schools B2


    Ahead with FCE for schools includes:
    • 8 complete practice tests for the Cambridge exam according to the revised exam specifications
    • information about the FCE with detailed description of each section of the exam
    • tips-strategies for exam preparation
    • alphabetised glossary
    • sample answers for writing paper
    • sample answers for speaking paper
    • skills builder for writing and speaking with teacher's book available online
    • full listening tapescripts available on
    The Skills Builder can be used in correlation with the Ahead with FCE practice tests or independently and it includes:
    • 50 pages of preparation and skills practice for the FCE Writing and Speaking papers
    • Specific instruction and preparation for the: Essay, Review, Story, Article and Letter/Email parts
    • Specific instruction and preparation for all the Speaking parts

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