
Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics 5/e Volume 2

作者:Douglas Giancoli
原價:NT$ 770

出版商:Pearson Education

內容介紹 本書特色 目錄

    此外,這本書自2008年起就是比爾 蓋茲(Bill Gates)指定放在辦公室的推薦教科書書籍,近期對這本新版提出的註記相關內容為: Now in its fifth edition, "Physics for Scientists and Engineers" remains a favored choice for introducing complex physics principles. Image: The Gates Notes This staple in the physics world, “Physics for Scientists and Engineers” by Douglas C. Giancoli, serves as an essential guide for university-level physics students. Renowned for its clear narrative and direct approach, the book covers everything from mechanics to modern physics. It ties these concepts to real-world scenarios, making the subject matter engaging and relatable.

    5 Textbooks Bill Gates Recommends You Read To Understand How The World Works

      全部章節區分成三冊,經典版本包含第一冊與第二冊,第一冊 (Volume 1) 包含第1~20章,內容有力學、流力、震盪、波動、熱與熱力學;第二冊 (Volume 2 )從第21~35 章,內容有電學、磁學、光學等;完整版本則包含第一、二、三冊,而第三冊 (Volume 3) 自第36~44章,主要是近代物理的內容。

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