
高階英語聽講練習 下 (技術型高級中等學校外語群)

作者:Casey Malarcher 編著
原價:NT$ 450



    國家教育研究院審定 技審字第 110169 號

    “高階英語聽講練習” is a comprehensive split edition coursebook for students in their third year of vocational high school to develop their listening and speaking skills. The book provides a broad collection of topics based on real-world situations and various activities promoting interaction with peers. In “高階英語聽講練習,” students can use and improve their English skills to build fluency in their everyday English conversations and professional speeches.

    Each unit has two main listening texts. For each listening text, students are guided through a set of steps: before you listen, while you listen, and after you listen. These steps help students learn how to listen and understand spoken English.

    After the two listening texts in each unit, there is a speaking section that provides a grammar point, a pronunciation rule, a speaking tip, and a presentation skill. At the end of each unit, students take what they have learned and use it to create a presentation. Once they have completed this, they will give the presentation. As a final task, students are asked to assess how well they did and how much they learned.

    In this innovative way, “高階英語聽講練習” will help students explore the world around them and sharpen their English skills.


    本書架構安排以步驟式培養為原則,前兩個小節分別圍繞兩則聽力對話或演說發展,以提供學生充足的語料輸入。每則對話或演說皆有不同的場景與語境,能夠讓學生了解不同情境下的語言選擇。每個小節依照聽力前 (Before You Listen)、聽力中 (While You Listen) 以及聽力後 (After You Listen) 發展,以符合邏輯之步驟培養學生在各個階段的聽力技巧。



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