
Chemistry 15/e

作者:Jason Overby (Raymond Chang)
原價:NT$ 1,600

參考網頁:Chemistry 15/e

目錄 作者介紹

    Table of Contents
    1 Measurement and the Properties of Matter
    2 Atoms, Ions, and Molecules
    3 Mass Relationships in Chemical Reactions
    4 Reactions in Aqueous Solutions
    5 Gases
    6 Thermochemistry
    7 Quantum Theory and the Electronic Structure of Atoms
    8 Periodic Relationships Among the Elements
    9 Compounds and Bonding
    10 Structure and Bonding Theories
    11 Intermolecular Forces and Liquids and Solids
    12 Physical Properties of Solutions
    13 Chemical Kinetics
    14 Chemical Equilibrium
    15 Acids and Bases
    16 Acid-Base Equilibria and Solubility Equilibria
    17 Entropy, Gibbs Energy, and Equilibrium
    18 Electrochemistry
    19 Nuclear Chemistry
    20 Chemistry in the Atmosphere
    21 Metallurgy and the Chemistry of Metals
    22 Nonmetallic Elements and Their Compounds
    23 Coordination Chemistry
    24 Organic Chemistry
    25 Synthetic and Natural Organic Polymers

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