
Sociology: A Brief Introduction 2024 Release

作者:Richard T. Schaefer
原價:NT$ 1,600

版次:2024 Release

內容介紹 目錄 作者介紹

    Inclusive Content Highlights Within the Chapters
    • Chapter 1: Understanding Sociology
      • New chapter-opening excerpt exploring the lives of low-wage workers in the affluent Napa Valley
      • New analysis of the 2020 election from the perspective of queer theory
      • New analysis of sociological approaches to hunger on campus, with photo
    • Chapter 2: Sociological Research
      • New photo to illustrate Native American culture
      • Updated maps illustrate the correlation between education level and household income in the United States
      • New examples of content analysis about diversity in casting and women's participation in sports, with photo
    • Chapter 3: Culture
      • New cross-cultural discussion of balance in news media
      • New discussion of the Navajo language to illustrate language as the basis of culture
      • New Think About It question on cross-cultural differences in values
      • In Social Policy section, updated discussion of language of Native Alaskan people, with photo
    • Chapter 4: Socialization and the Life Course
      • Updated and expanded discussion of young people's media usage
      • New photo to illustrate celebration of a quinceañera
      • Updated coverage of the lives of older adults, including use of dating websites and continued work
      • In the Social Policy section, updated discussion of the effects of Covid on child care, including new salary data and information about government subsidies
    • Chapter 5: Social Interaction, Groups, and Social Structure
      • New chapter-opening photo of women's varsity soccer team
      • New photo of traditional Japanese wedding ceremony Expanded discussion of disability as a master status Updated discussion of role strain during the Covid pandemic
      • New Thinking Critically question about the effects of Covid on social institutions
    • Chapter 6: Mass Media and Social Media
      • Updated coverage of presence of LGBTQ characters in top-grossing movies
      • New section on the queer perspective on the media
      • New photo to illustrate cultural invasion through streaming
      • Updated and expanded discussion of the use and limitations of social media by refugees in Box 6-3, Our Wired World: Apps for Global Refugees, with new photo from Ukraine war and new Let's Discuss question
    • Chapter 7: Deviance, Crime, and Social Control
      • New chapter-opening excerpt about recent changes in inner-city policing
      • New Box 7-1. Research Today: The Female Factory, about a historic form of social control over women
    • Chapter 8: Stratification and Social Mobility in the United States
      • New cartoon to illustrate social inequality
      • New Box 8-2, Research Today: The Stockton Income Experiment, about an experimental program to reduce income inequality
      • Updated and expanded discussion of income distribution and wealth inequality in the United States
      • Discussion of untruth of common stereotypes about people living below the poverty line
    • Chapter 9: Global Inequality
      • New chapter opening photo illustrating contrast between rich and poor neighborhoods in Mumbai
      • New discussion of unpredictable changes in the divisions between core and peripheral nations
      • New photo of workers performing low-wage production jobs
      • Extensive updates to Box 9.2, Sociology in the Global Community: Social Stratification in Japan, with new photo
      • Discussion of recent cross-cultural studies of intergenerational mobility
      • Updated discussion of women's economic advancement in various cultures
    • Chapter 10: Racial and Ethnic Inequality
      • New chapter-opening excerpt about the life of civil rights activist and Congressman John Lewis
      • New Figure 10-2, Multiracial Population by State, with Think About It question
      • In Box 10-2, Research Today: Avoiding Interracial Relationships Online, discussion of new research studies about online data
      • Updated Box 10-3, Research Today: Is There a Model Minority? to include impact of 2023 Supreme Court decision on race-conscious college admissions
      • Updated statistics on anti-Semitic incidents in the United States
      • In the Social Policy section, updated information about U.S. immigration policy; new Taking the Issue with You question
    • Chapter 11: Stratification by Gender and Sexuality
      • Updated and expanded discussion of gender identity
      • Updated and expanded discussion of transgender rights
      • Box 11-2, Sociology in the Global Community: Gender Inequality in Japan, expanded and updated
      • New Table 11-4, Women as a Percentage of All Workers in Selected Occupations, 1950-2022
      • New Figure 11-2, Representation in Corporations by Gender and Race
      • Social Policy section on workplace sexual harassment updated with enhanced discussion of recent developments
    • Chapter 12: The Family and Household Diversity
      • In Box 12-1, Our Wired World: Love Is in the Air, expanded discussion of LGBTQ concerns
      • Updates to Box 12-4, Challenges to LGBTQ Adoption, to reflect political developments
      • Updated discussion of lifestyle choices of people who remain single
      • New Figure 12-5, Weeks of Paid Parental Leave
    • Chapter 13: Education and Religion
      • New chapter-opening excerpt from Inequality in the Promised Land: Race, Resources, and Suburban Schooling
      • Updated discussion of racial isolation in public schools
      • New coverage of support groups for LGBTQ teens
      • Updated coverage of women as spiritual leaders
      • Updated and expanded coverage of religion in public schools
    • Chapter 14: Government and the Economy
      • Greatly expanded and updated coverage in Box 14-4, Research Today: Affirmative Action, including impact of 2023 Supreme Court decision on race-conscious college admissions
    • Chapter 15: Health, Population, and the Environment
      • Updated discussion of established medicine's treatment of members of the LGBTQ community
      • New photo of Flint, Michigan, residents to illustrate environmental justice
      • New Social Policy section, Seeking Shelter Worldwide, including Figure 15-8, Estimates of Homeless Population by State
      • New Key Term treatment of Gentrification and NIMBY
    • Chapter 16: Social Change in the Global Community
      • New coverage of nationwide #BlackLivesMatter protests of summer 2020 to illustrate social movements

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