Description World Class is a two-level series from National Geographic Learning for high-intermediate and advanced English language learners. This integrated-skills program uses National Geographic content, images, and video to help learners expand their overall fluency while developing the tools and strategies necessary for effective, real-world communication.
World Class is fully supported by a range of resources for both the student and the instructor.
For Instructors:
Interactive Presentation Tool CD-ROM contains interactive versions of the Student Book, along with the full video and audio program
Online Lesson Planners allow busy teachers to customize lesson plans on the go
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®allows teachers to create, customize, and correct tests and quizzes quickly and easily
Classroom DVD contains 24 authentic videos for both levels and accompanies the Video section of the Student Book.
Classroom Audio CD ccontains the audio recordings that accompany the Listening pages of the Student Book, as well as other select activities. It also includes the recordings to accompany the pronunciation appendix at the end of the book.
For Students:
Extra practice for every unit, along with full video and audio program are available on either the Student CD-ROM or Online Workbook
Stunning images and thought-provoking questions encourage learners to think critically
Expanding Your Fluency allows learners to apply the language they have learned throughout the unit in real-world tasks
The Writing section includes writing models to prompt learners to complete a functional piece of writing.
Clearly stated Unit Outcomes provide a roadmap of learning for the student