
Telephone English with Audio CD/1片

作者:John Hughes
原價:NT$ 500

出版商:Macmillan Publishers


    Speaking naturally and with confidence on the telephone is one of the hardest hurdles to overcome when learning a foreign language. Telephone English trains students to use the telephone confidently and effectively in the course of their work.


    • Equips students with the skills necessary for making a successful phone call, such as sounding friendly and polite, and making small talk
    • Student's Book contains an Audio CD - so is ideal for self-study, as well as in class
    • Phrase Bank - organised into functional areas, it provides a quick practical reference to support students in their phone calls
    • Review lesson at the end of each section equips students with the skills necessary for making a successful phone call, such as sounding clear and confident
    • Review lesson at the end of each section

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