
Achieve 2/e (3) iTools DVD/1片

作者:Oxford University
原價:NT$ 4,200

出版商:Oxford University
參考網頁:Achieve 2/e

內容介紹 本書特色

    Oxford iTools 
    Oxford iTools are digital resources to meet your English language teaching and learning needs. Specifically designed for use on interactive whiteboards, Oxford iTools can also be used with data projectors and PCs or laptop computers.

    With Achieve 2/e iTools it’s easy to:
    • Change pace and focus during the lesson
    • Use different media-everything is in one place
    • Integrate new and extra resources into the lesson

    With Achieve 2/e iTools it’s get:
    • All course content in one place-Student book, Workbook, and audio
    • Immediate access to the course content and answer keys from the page
    • Inbuilt teaching tools-zoom, draw, flipchart, highlight, notes, and spotlight

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