
Macmillan (Pre-Intermediate): The Princess Diaries 3 with CDs/2片

作者:Meg Cabot
原價:NT$ 230

出版商:Macmillan Publishers


    The 3rd edition to Mia's life. It’s nearly Christmas and Mia’s life isn’t getting any easier. How can she break up with her boyfriend Kenny, the boyfriend she doesn’t love? And how can she win the heart of Michael, the boy she dreams about? The situation seems impossible. But then Mia thinks of a plan. What will she do? How will she make her life any easier?


    • Carefully graded levels from Starter to Upper Intermediate
    • Extra exercises and Audio CDs for most titles
    • Audio download and eBook available for selected titles
    • A truly international range of simplified readers with a prestigious list of authors from around the world
    • Free online support materials on dedicated resource site, such as worksheets, tests, answer keys, author pages, projects, as well as the free teachers booklet Using Graded Readers in the Classroom

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