
Macmillan (Advanced): Science Fiction Stories

作者:Phillip K. Dick, Ray Bradbury, Arthur C. Clarke, Stanley Weinbaum, Jack London
原價:NT$ 170

出版商:Macmillan Publishers

內容介紹 作者介紹

    The Science Fiction Stories Collection brings together five stories which explore a range of perspectives within the genre of science fiction. From space travel to time travel, scientific experiments and teleportation, these stories will fascinate and delight any fans of science fiction everywhere.


    • Advanced-level Readers
    • A variety of original short stories written by famous classic and modern writers
    • Perfect for those students who are ready to make the transition from graded readers to unadapted English literature texts
    • Provides substantial language support including vocabulary, comprehension questions and language-study exercises
    • A literary analysis section to help students examine themes, characterisation and plot – thus increasing their understanding and appreciation of each story

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