
Word by Word Basic 2/e Picture Dictionary (International Edition)

作者:Steven J. Molinsky, Bill Bliss
原價:NT$ 450

出版商:Pearson Education


    The Word by Word Basic Picture Dictionary presents vocabulary in context through vibrant illustrations and simple, accessible lesson pages. Extensive support materials help with lesson planning for multilevel classes, and a wide selection of print and media components promote student persistence and success.

    • More than 2,500 words focus on everyday survival language and key lifeskill topics that meet standards-based curriculum objectives.
    • The easy to use lesson format for low level learners features large type, clear illustrations and a unique picture-word layout
    • Research-based lessons integrate vocabulary, topics and grammar.
    • Workplace lessons prepare students with basic career and academic vocabulary for successful transitions to work and further education

    • Student Book with WordSongs Music CD Package extends learning outside the classroom through motivating musical practice.
    • Audio Program includes all words and conversations for interactive practice.
    • Teacher's Guide and Lesson Planner with CD-ROM includes lesson planning suggestions, community tasks, and reproducible masters to save teachers hours of lesson preparation time.
    • Workbooks offer flexible options to meet students' needs:
      • The Literacy Workbook includes an Audio CD and is perfect for low-level learners.
      • The Vocabulary Workbook features motivating vocabulary, grammar, and listening practice.
      • The Standards-Based Lifeskills Workbook provides competency-based activities and reading tied to national, state, and local curriculum frameworks.

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