Evergreen takes another leap forward in the paragraph-to-essay-level Developmental Writing market. In this Eighth Edition, the author endeavors to take an exceptional book and make it even more motivating, helpful, and engaging. Susan Fawcett has thoroughly reviewed and updated the text, guided by the thoughtful suggestions of faculty across the country, and by the academic and workplace challenges students face in the twenty-first century. With its new features and powerful WriteSpace online writing program, the Eighth Edition ensures that Evergreen continues to meet the needs of students and instructors in any classroom environment. Step-by-step instruction, a range of carefully paced practice exercises, engaging student and professional writing samples, and attention to critical thinking are the keys to this text's appeal.
Exploring Online assignments throughout the text and at the end of every chapter give students the option of further online study, practice, or exploration. Provided as live links at the Online Study Center, these assignments can be accessed while students learn chapter concepts or take practice tests. Quality web sites also follow each Thinking and Writing Together activity and selected practices, so students can learn more about topics of interest for future papers.
Sixty-five engaging new models and content-based practice sets are vital to Evergreen's effectiveness. Fresh subjects include the first female Navaho surgeon (to illustrate paragraph coherence), NASCAR safety devices (an example of illustration), and the expanding size of restaurant portions in America (an example of comparison and contrast).
Susan Fawcett started teaching English at Bronx Community College right after she finished college. The idea for the books grew out of her frustration that adults needed remediation but the only material available had a tone more appropriate for middle school students. She occasionally teaches a class in Miami, where she lives in the winter and writes full time.