A Companion Website-12 reading supplements consisting of new material and deleted material from prior editions, code for all VHDL and Verilog examples, 25% of the problem solutions, and projection originals for all figures and major tables.
Balance of Hardware Description Language coverage-VHDL, Verilog, or none.
Exceptionally readable.
Strong connections to real-word technology-Discusses SRAM, DRAM, and synchronous DRAM technologies.
Table of Contents
1. Digital Computers and Information
2. Combinational Logic Circuits
3. Combinational Logic Design
4. Combinational Functions and Circuits
5. Arithmetic Functions and Circuits
6. Sequential Circuits
7. Registers And Register Transfers
8. Sequencing And Control
9. Memory Basics
10. Computer Design Basics
11. Instruction Set Architecture
12. RISC and CISC Central Processing Units
13. Input-Output and Communication
14. Memory Systems