
Slope Stability and Stabilization Methods 2/e

作者:Lee W. Abramson, Thomas S. Lee, Sunil Sharma, Glenn M. Boyce
原價:NT$ 2,550

出版商:John Wiley

內容介紹 本書特色 目錄 作者介紹

    Written by world-leading geotechnical engineers who share almost 100 years of combined experience, Slope Stability and Stabilization, Second Edition assembles the background information, theory, analytical methods, design and construction approaches, and practical examples necessary to carry out a complete slope stability project.

    Retaining the best features of the previous edition, this new book has been completely updated to address the latest trends and methodology in the field. Features include:

    • All-new chapters on shallow failures and stability of landfill slopes
    • New material on probabilistic stability analysis, cost analysis of stabilization alternatives, and state-of-the-art techniques in time-domain reflectometry to help engineers plan and model new designs
    • Tested and FHA-approved procedures for the geotechnical stage of highway, tunnel, and bridge projects
    • Sound guidance for geotechnical stage design and planning for virtually all types of construction projects

    Slope Stability and Stabilization, Second Edition is filled with current and comprehensive information, making it one of the best resources available on the subject-and an essential reference for today's and tomorrow's professionals in geology, geotechnical engineering, soil science, and landscape architecture.

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