
Elementary Statistics 10/e

作者:Robert R. Johnson
原價:NT$ 600

出版商:Cengage Learning

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    In their own classrooms, through their popular texts, and in the conferences they lead, Bob Johnson and Pat Kuby have inspired hundreds of thousands of students and their instructors to see the utility and practicality of statistics. Robert Johnson and Patricia Kuby's ELEMENTARY STATISTICS, Tenth Edition has been consistently praised by users and reviewers for its clear exposition and relevant examples, exercises, and applications. Technology enhancements include the addition of Video Skillbuilders and StatisticsNow™ (part of the CengageNOW suite of technology products), our personalized online learning companion. This increased focus on technology to help students succeed, along with the wealth of instructor supplements and flexibility of technology coverage (with MINITAB, Excel, and TI-83 output and instructions throughout) clearly differentiate this text from its competitors as the most accessible text for students to learn from and the most straightforward text for instructors to teach from.

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