
Statistics 11/e

作者:James T. McClave, Terry T Sincich, William Mendenhall
原價:NT$ 1,150

出版商:Pearson Education

本書特色 目錄 作者介紹

    New to This Edition
    • Over 1,200 exercises, with 30% revised or updated based on contemporary studies and real data. Most of these exercises foster and promote critical thinking skills. In addition toLearning the Mechanics exercises, Applied Exercises are categorized into “Basic,” “Intermediate,” and “Advanced” at the end of each section. 
    • Visual End-of-Chapter Summaries feature flow graphs for selecting the appropriate statistical method, as well as boxed notes with key words, formulas, definitions, lists, and key concepts. This graphical presentation is especially helpful to those students who are visual learners, but it all students by summarizing and reinforcing the important points from the chapter. 
    • “Hands-On” Activities for Students in each chapter offer opportunities to participate in hands-on classroom activities, ranging from real data collection to formal statistical analysis. These optional activities, based on key concepts and procedures in the chapter, can be performed individually or as a class. 
    • Applet Exercises allow students to easily run simulations that demonstrate some of the more difficult statistical concepts (e.g., sampling distributions and confidence levels). Each chapter contains several optional applet exercises in the exercise sets, which are denoted with an Applet icon. These applets are located on the Data CD-ROM that is bound with every new copy of the book. 
    • New Statistics in Action Cases have been added, each centering on a contemporary, controversial, or high-profile issue and its accompanying data. For example, the authors explore whether homework assigned to family members is really effective (Chapter 9), and the relationship between how often and how much college students drink alcohol (Chapter 13). 
    • Nonparametrics Chapter on the CD: At the recommendation of reviewers and current users of the text, Chapter 14 (Nonparametric Statistics) is now available on a CD that accompanies new copies of the text or online at (Click on “Introductory Statistics” and then click on the listing for this textbook.) 
    • Content-Specific Changes to This Edition 
      • Chapter 11 (Simple Linear Regression). Several sections from the previous edition have been combined and streamlined to shorten the chapter. The section on estimating s2 is now included in Section 11.3 (“Model Assumptions”), while the sections on the coefficients of correlation and determination are combined into a single section (Section 11.5). 
      • Chapter 12 (Multiple Regression and Model Building). Two sections from the previous edition have been reorganized: Section 12.2 now presents tests on the individual model parameters, as well as interpretations of their values; Section 12.3 discusses how to make inferences about the overall utility of the multiple-regression model.

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