
Business Statistics: A Decision - Making Approach 7/e

作者:David F. Groebner, Patrick W. Shannon, Phillip C. Fry, Kent D. Smith
原價:NT$ 1,200

出版商:Pearson Education

本書特色 目錄

    New to This Edition
    What kind of statistical software do you like your students to use?

    New Microsoft Excel 2007: Business Statistics: A Decision-Making Approach, 7/e’s Microsoft Excel 2007 integration instructs students how to use the new Excel user interface for statistical application. The book’s comprehensive coverage also includes Minitab and PHStat2.

    What type of exercises do you like to use in class and for homework?

    New Problems and Exercises: The new seventh edition includes an extensive revision of exercise sections, featuring many new problems. Exercise sets are broken down into three categories for ease of use and assignment purposes:

    • Skill Development problems help students build and expand upon statistical methods learned in the chapter. 
    • Business Application problems involve realistic situations in which students apply decision-making techniques.
    • New Computer Applications: In addition to being worked out manually, many problems have associated data files and can be solved using Excel, Minitab, or other statistical software. How do you present statistical concepts in a way that is relevant for your students?

    New McDonald’s Corporation Video Cases: The package’s array of real-world examples and illustrations is complemented by an all-new video case series. The authors have established a relationship with McDonald’s to provide readers with real-world statistical data in this exciting, integrated video case series that allows students to apply statistical tools and concepts to a product that are already familiar with.

    Additional Changes: 
    • New Text Design: A new innovative design creates a stronger visual relationship between the content Summary Boxes and Textual Examples, helping students focus on key concepts and related examples. 
    • Chapter 5 and 6: The previous Chapter 5 is now broken down into two distinct chapters: Introduction to Discrete Probability Distributions (Chapter 5) and Introduction to Continuous Probability Distributions (Chapter 6) 
    • Chapter 19: The Introduction to Decision Analysis chapter, formerly available only on the Student CD-ROM, has been placed back into the text as Chapter 19. 

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