
Introduction to Wireless and Mobile Systems 4/e

作者:Dharma P. Agrawal , Qing-An Zeng
原價:NT$ 1,200

出版商:Cengage Learning

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    Focusing on qualitative descriptions and realistic explanations of relationships between wireless systems and performance parameters, INTRODUCTION TO WIRELESS AND MOBILE SYSTEMS, 4e explains the general principles of how wireless systems work, how mobility is supported, what the underlying infrastructure is, and what interactions are needed among different functional components. Rather than offering a thorough history of the development of wireless technologies or an exhaustive list of work being carried out, the authors help computer science, computer engineering, and electrical engineering students learn this exciting technology through relevant examples, such as understanding how a cell phone starts working as soon as they get out of an airplane. This edition offers the most extensive coverage of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks available for the course and includes up-to-date coverage of the latest wireless technologies.


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