
Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering 6/e (Abridged Edition 精簡本)

作者:Giorgio Rizzoni, James Kearns
原價:NT$ 1,230


內容介紹 目錄

    Features of The Sixth Edition
    • Learning Objectives offer an overview of key chapter ideas. Each chapter opens with a list of major objectives, and throughout the chapter the learning objective icon indicates targeted references to each objective.
    • Focus on Problem Solving sections summarize important methods and procedures for the solution of common problems and assist the student in developing a methodical approach to problem solving.
    • Clearing Illustrated Examples illustrate relevant applicants of electrical engineering principles. The examples are fully integrated with the Focus on Problem Solving material, and each one is organized according to a prescribed set of logical steps.
    • Make the Connection sidebars present analogies that illuminate electrical engineering concepts using other concepts from engineering disciplines.
    • Focus on Measurements boxes emphasize the great relevance of electrical engineering to the science and practice of measurement.

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