
PM Writing 2 Green/Orange 14/15 A School Concert

作者:Heather Hammonds
原價:NT$ 120

出版商:Cengage Learning


    A School Concert 

    Levels 14/15 Green/Orange
    Key learning Area Art and Music
    Theme Music and Movement

    Text Type Exposition
    Text Form Essay
    Genre Non-fiction
    Purpose To persuade by arguing one side of an issue

    Text Structure 
    Statement of Position: Explains the writer’s point of view and previews the arguments (Pages 2–3)
    Series of Arguments: Describes each argument and lists them in order of importance (Pages 4–15)
    Concluding Statement: Relates the position more forcefully to persuade the reader (Page 16)

    Language Features
    • Nouns (e.g. school, concert, costumes)
    • Pronouns (e.g. They, everyone)
    • Adjectives (e.g. big)
    • Sensing verbs (e.g. think, like)
    • Adverbial phrases (e.g. in a big concert)

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