Title How to Make a Concrete Driveway Text Type Procedure Pages 2–9 Text Form Article in a DIY manual Genre Non-fiction Purpose To provide instructions about how to make or do something
Text Structure Goal: Outlines what is to be achieved (Page 2) Materials: Specifies the materials needed to achieve the goal (Page 2) Steps: Lists the steps in order of sequence (Pages 3–9)
Title Using Concrete in Earthquake Areas Text Type Discussion Pages 10–16 Text Form Oral presentation at a meeting Genre Non-fiction Purpose To examine more than one side of an issue
Text Structure Opening Statement: Outlines the issue (Page 10) Arguments 'For' and 'Against': Includes evidence in support of and against the issue (Pages 12–15) Concluding Statement: Summary of the writer's opinion(Page 16)
Language Features
Nouns (e.g. structures, zones, conditions)
Pronouns (e.g. they, it)
Adjectives (e.g. specially-designed, normal)
Sensing verbs (e.g. hoping, belivev)
Adverbs (e.g. successfully, often)
Adverbial phrases (e.g. through piles of concrete rubble)
Conjunctions/Text connectives (e.g. after considering these arguments)
By Debbie Croft
Illustrations by Nives Porcellato and Andrew Craig