
Microelectronic Circuit Design 5/e

作者:Richard C. Jaeger, Travis N. Blalock
原價:NT$ 1,300


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    Richard Jaeger and Travis Blalock present a balanced coverage of analog and digital circuits; students will develop a comprehensive understanding of the basic techniques of modern electronic circuit design, analog and digital, discrete and integrated.

    A broad spectrum of topics are included in Microelectronic Circuit Design which gives the professor the option to easily select and customize the material to satisfy a two-semester or three-quarter sequence in electronics. Jaeger/Blalock emphasizes design through the use of design examples and design notes. Excellent pedagogical elements include chapter opening vignettes, chapter objectives, “Electronics in Action” boxes, a problem-solving methodology, and "Design Note” boxes.

    The use of the well-defined problem-solving methodology presented in this text can significantly enhance an engineer’s ability to understand the issues related to design. The design examples assist in building and understanding the design process.

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