
Essential Reading 2/e (2) Student Book

作者:Jackie Mcavoy
原價:NT$ 500

出版商:Macmillan Publishers
參考網頁:Essential Reading 2/e

內容介紹 作者介紹

    Essential Reading Second Edition teaches young adult and adult learners the essential reading skills. This second edition is now even better in overcoming the challenges students face in studying English, offering:
    • Both intensive and extensive approaches to reading
    • a wide range of engaging topics such as money, social networking, and relationships, tailored to Asian learners
    • a full range of skills-building activities, covering not only reading but also listening, speaking, writing, vocabulary, grammar, as well as critical thinking skills

    What's new?
    • new topics, reading passages, and exercises
    • new extracts from Macmillan Graded Readers
    • new Life Skills feature teaching transferable, real-life skills
    • new Teacher's Presentation Kit to aid classroom teaching
    • new support materials

    Student Book
    • 12 topic-based units
    • 12 review units
    • an extract from Macmillan Graded Readers

    Teacher's File
    • additional photocopiable activities
    • cultural background notes
    • full answer keys

    Resource Site
    • Teacher's Presentation Kit
    • Test Generator
    • audio of reading passages and listening activites
    • extra resources

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