
Newmark Learning (Nursery Rhyme Tale): Mary Had a Little Lamb

作者:Carrie smith
原價:NT$ 130

出版商:Newmark Learning
參考網頁:Newmark Learning

內容介紹 作者介紹

    Mary has to go to school. What will her little lamb do?

    Series Rising Readers
    120 science, math, social studies, and fiction titles at Levels A-I support and challenge young readers.

    Develop reading and comprehension skills with leveled texts for children in PreK-Grade 1.

    • Real-world photos and beautiful illustrations serve as engaging visual aids and inspire discussion.
    • Teaching tips and activities in each book help parents and educators build comprehension and writing skills.
    • Teaching Cards for each title include vocabulary, phonics, and comprehension instruction, plus tips for English Learners.

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