
Top Kids 1 Student Book with MP3 CD/1片

作者:Judy Baldwin, Lisa Kingsley
原價:NT$ 480

出版商:Seed Learning
參考網頁:Top Kids Series


    【內容試閱 請點我】
    Top Kids is a six-level course for young English language learners. This engaging and instructive course incorporates a systematic double-strand approach to introduce vocabulary and grammar within thematic units graded over six levels.

    The double-strand approach to building vocabulary and grammar skills of learners is key to the course. English language learners need to acquire vocabulary in order to comprehend English and participate in classroom discussions, and as well, it is key to reading comprehension. In addition, grammar is central to the teaching and learning of languages as it is the foundation of language.

    Top Kids prepares young learners to be able to understand and communicate well in English on a variety of subjects.

    • Engaging characters with whom students will identify as they study
    • Functional dialogs to demonstrate effective social behavior for children
    • Expansion activities for collaborative and communicative practice
    • Graded passages for extensive reading practice

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