
Starting out with Visual C# 4/e

作者:Tony Gaddis
原價:NT$ 1,500

出版商:Pearson Education
參考網頁:Starting out with Visual C# 4/e

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    Clear, friendly, and approachable, this Fourth Edition of Starting Out With Visual C# is an ideal beginning text for students with no programming experience. Detailed walk-throughs and a readable, comprehensible style make the text inviting to new programmers, while numerous practical example programs highlight the most important programming topics. Gaddis’s detailed, step-by-step instructions teach a GUI-based approach that motivates students with familiar graphical elements. Topics are examined progressively in each chapter, with objects taught before classes. The Fourth Edition has been completely updated for Visual Studio 2015 and contains new sections on debugging, accessing controls on different forms, and auto-properties.

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