
Project Management: Achieving Competitive Advantage 4/e

作者:Jeffrey K. Pinto
原價:NT$ 1,400

出版商:Pearson Education
參考網頁:Project Management: Achieving Competitive Advantage 4/e

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    Project Management Fundamentals with Broad Applications

    In its Fourth EditionProject Management: Achieving Competitive Advantage takes a contemporary, decisive, and business-oriented approach to teaching and learning project management. Blending current theory, contemporary case studies, and hands-on practice and research, Project Management offers students a full range of perspectives of the project management process.

    To promote a comprehensive, multi-industry understanding of the text, the author addresses project management theory within the context of a variety of successful organizations, whether they be publicly held, private, or nonprofit. Comprehensive case analysis and detailed exercises give students the tools to assess projects in real-time, equipping them with razor-sharp decision-making skills. Leveraging the latest project management technology, Project Management features just the right balance of real-world examples, cutting-edge theory, and practical exercises.Project Management Fundamentals with Broad Applications In its Fourth Edition, Project Management: Achieving Competitive Advantage takes a contemporary, decisive, and business-oriented approach to teaching and learning project management. Blending current theory, contemporary case studies, and hands-on practice and research, Project Management offers students a full range of perspectives of the project management process. To promote a comprehensive, multi-industry understanding of the text, the author addresses project management theory within the context of a variety of successful organizations, whether they be publicly held, private, or nonprofit. Comprehensive case analysis and detailed exercises give students the tools to assess projects in real-time, equipping them with razor-sharp decision-making skills. Leveraging the latest project management technology, Project Management features just the right balance of real-world examples, cutting-edge theory, and practical exercises.

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