
Advanced Reading Power 4 2/e

作者:Linda Jeffries, Beatrice S. Mikulecky
原價:NT$ 550

出版商:Pearson Education


    Advanced Reading Power 4 is a new and updated edition of the successful student-centered reading skills textbook Advanced Reading Power. Its unique structure, featuring four parts to be used concurrently, allows aadvanced level students to develop the multiple skills and strategies needed for academic success.

    • Extensive Reading helps students to build reading fluency, increase comprehension, and broaden vocabulary.
    • Vocabulary Building includes numerous strategies for learning vocabulary, including using context clues, analyzing word parts, and noticing collocations.
    • Comprehension Skills teaches scanning, making predictions and inferences, recognizing patterns of organization, identifying genre, skimming, and critical reading.
    • Reading Fluency features high-interest, nonfiction selections that help students improve their reading rate and flexibility.

    New to the Second Edition
    • More self-directed vocabulary-building tasks embedded in exercises
    • Updated vocabulary learning strategies based on current research
    • New content organized around current issues relating to the Western lifestyle (social, economic, public health, environment). with an emphasis on academic text types
    • Enhanced focus on critical thinking and academic skills
    • Targeted vocabulary items selected from frequency word list based on the Pearson International Corpus of Academic English
    • New Test Booklet designed to assess students' progress in acquiring and mastering the skills and strategies covered in the Student Book and also to test acquisition of targeted vocabulary

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