
Pearson English Readers Level 5 (Upper Intermediate): Sherlock Holmes Short Stories with MP3 Audio CD/1片

作者:Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
原價:NT$ 430

出版商:Pearson Education
參考網頁:Pearson English Graded Readers


    British English/Classic
    In these six stories we join the brilliant detective, Sherlock Holmes, and his friend Dr Watson, in a variety of exciting adventures. These include several suspicious deaths, the mystery of the engineer with the missing thumb, and the strange case of the two men who share a very unusual name.

    Active Readers
    Pearson English Active Readers and Pearson English Readers series offer an incredible range of popular titles and best-selling authors across a range of genres written for teenage and adult learners. Perfect to enjoy reading for pleasure, in or out of the classroom.

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