
Precalculus with Calculus Previews 6/e

作者:Dennis G. Zill, Jacqueline M. Dewar
原價:NT$ 1,950

出版商:Jones & Bartlett Learning
參考網頁:Precalculus with Calculus Previews 6/e

內容介紹 本書特色 目錄

    Building off the success of Dennis G. Zill and Jacqueline M. Dewar's popular Essentials version, the new Sixth Edition of Precalculus with Calculus Previews continues to include all of the outstanding features and learning tools found in the original text while incorporating additional topics of coverage that some courses may require. With a continued effort to keep the text complete, yet concise, the authors have expanded the number of chapters making the text a clear choice for many mainstream courses. Additional material includes rotation of conics in the rectangular coordinate system, sequences and series, mathematical induction, the Binomial Theorem, systems of equations, partial fractions, systems of inequalities, a brief introduction to counting and probability, and a full discussion of complex numbers.

    This student-friendly, full-color text offers numerous exercise sets and examples to aid in students' learning and understanding, and graphs and figures throughout serve to better illuminate key concepts. The exercise sets include engaging problems that focus on algebra, graphing, and function theory, the subtext of so many calculus problems. The authors are careful to use the terminology of calculus in an informal and comprehensible way to facilitate the student's successful transition into future calculus courses.

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