
Working with Words

作者:Damien Trezise
原價:NT$ 200

參考網頁:Working with Words audio files


    This book is designed to help Taiwanese students who have achieved an elementary level of English to build vocabulary that will assist them progress to the next stage. The words presented in each unit have been carefully selected to help students express ideas related to the theme. The vocabulary items are presented with Chinese meanings, recordings of pronunciation and examples of usage that will be accessible to Taiwanese students. Students then complete “concept checkers” – questions that highlight the important semantic concepts related to a word – to assist them to identify the unique properties of each word, and understand how it may differ from other similar words. The meaningful application of the words is illustrated with reading passages that integrate the new vocabulary items within a culturally familiar context. Students engage with these passages as cloze exercises. Where possible, learners are also introduced to vocabulary building strategies, such as the use of prefixes and roots to build related words and antonyms. In order to evaluate vocabulary acquisition and assist in preparation for tests such as CSEPT and GEPT, teachers are provided with quizzes for each unit, and a review test after every three units. We hope this book can play a role in helping learners to develop confidence in using English to communicate clearly and meaningfully.

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