
Change Management and Organizational Development

作者:Ratan Raina
原價:NT$ 870

出版商:SAGE Publications
參考網頁:Change Management and Organizational Development

內容介紹 目錄 作者介紹

    Written specifically as a core textbook for management students, this book is an essential companion in today’s rapidly changing globalized business setting.
    A must-have title for all business and management students, this textbook offers a comprehensive account of the theory, practice and research related to change management and organizational development. Drawing upon and integrating current theories and practices, the book provides a pragmatic insight into all aspects of organizational change and development. Focussing especially on issues related to India, the author evaluates the key concerns underlying the dynamics of change and implements a framework to maximize value-based development in any organization.
    An engaging, jargon-free and practical text, Change Management and Organizational Development will also be an extremely useful resource for corporate managers, trainers and practitioners.

    Key Features:
    • Includes subjects affecting growth of an organization such as Mergers and Acquisitions, Quality Management, Performance Management and Organizational Health Survey.
    • All complex topics and concepts have been supplemented with abundance of figures, tables, industry examples and flow charts to ensure clarity and better understanding.
    • Covers recent literature and future trends in change management and organization development

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