
A Short Course in Intermediate Microeconomics with Calculus 2/e

作者:Roberto Serrano, Allan M. Feldman
原價:NT$ 1,650

出版商:Cambridge University
參考網頁:A Short Course in Intermediate Microeconomics with Calculus 2/e

內容介紹 目錄 作者介紹

    This second edition retains the positive features of being clearly written, well organized, and incorporating calculus in the text, while adding expanded coverage on game theory, experimental economics, and behavioural economics. It remains more focused and manageable than similar textbooks, and provides a concise yet comprehensive treatment of the core topics of microeconomics, including theories of the consumer and of the firm, market structure, partial and general equilibrium, and market failures caused by public goods, externalities and asymmetric information. The book includes helpful solved problems in all the substantive chapters, as well as over seventy new mathematical exercises and enhanced versions of the ones in the first edition. The authors make use of the book's full color with sharp and helpful graphs and illustrations. This mathematically rigorous textbook is meant for students at the intermediate level who have already had an introductory course in microeconomics, and a calculus course.

    • Integrates calculus in the main body of the text in a seamless and helpful way
    • The book is written in a clear and engaging style to provide a comprehensive and authoritative presentation of the standard topics in microeconomics
    • Graphs and illustrations are presented in this edition in full color

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