
Focus on Grammar 5/e (3A) with Essential Online Resources

作者:Marjorie Fuchs, Margaret Bonner, Miriam Westheimer
原價:NT$ 650

出版商:Pearson Education
參考網頁:Focus on Grammar 5/e


    Building on the success of previous editions, Focus on Grammar continues to provide an integrated-skills approach to engage students and help them accomplish their goals of communicating confidently, accurately, and fluently. With comprehensive grammar coverage, abundant practice, and ongoing assessment Focus on Grammar delivers immediate and visible progress through its unique and proven pedagogy that takes learners from comprehension to communication.

    NEW to This Edition
    • New and updated content engages, motivates, and appeals to learners from various cultural backgrounds. Many new readings and activities include topics of high interest to today learners.
    • Updated charts and redesigned notes offer clear, corpus-informed grammar presentations that reflect real and natural language usage. Clear signposting draws attention to most common usage, the difference between spoken and written registers, and common errors.
    • Additional communicative activities encourage collaboration and the application of the target grammar in a variety of settings.
    • Expanded writing practice helps students to confidently apply each unit grammar to their own writing.
    • New comprehensive assessment program with a variety of new assessment tools informs instruction and ensures that progress is measurable.
    • Revised MyEnglishLab delivers rich online content and video media to engage and motivate students.

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