
Abstract Algebra with Applications (H)

作者:Audrey Terras
原價:NT$ 1,500

出版商:Cambridge University
參考網頁:Abstract Algebra with Applications

內容介紹 目錄 作者介紹

    Abstract Algebra with Applications provides a friendly and concise introduction to algebra, with an emphasis on its uses in the modern world. The first part of this book covers groups, after some preliminaries on sets, functions, relations, and induction, and features applications such as public-key cryptography, Sudoku, the finite Fourier transform, and symmetry in chemistry and physics. The second part of this book covers rings and fields, and features applications such as random number generators, error correcting codes, the Google page rank algorithm, communication networks, and elliptic curve cryptography. The book's masterful use of colorful figures and images helps illustrate the applications and concepts in the text. Real-world examples and exercises will help students contextualize the information. Intended for a year-long undergraduate course in algebra for mathematics, engineering, and computer science majors, the only prerequisites are calculus and a bit of courage when asked to do a short proof.

    • Includes interesting computational examples where students can use their preferred software, including Mathematica, Scientific Workplace and Group Explorer
    • Connects theory with practice by featuring plenty of examples and applications
    • Emphasizes finite fields and rings and the ways in which the finite mirrors the infinite, making the subject accessible to students

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