
Environmental Chemistry 5/e

作者:Colin Baird, Michael Cann
原價:NT$ 1,950

出版商:W. H. Freeman and Company
參考網頁:Environmental Chemistry 5/e

內容介紹 目錄

    Colin Baird and Michael Cann's acclaimed Environmental Chemistry helps students explore the chemical processes and properties underlying environmental issues they hear about every day - climate change, pollution, biofuels, sustainability and more. Like no other textbook of its kind, it makes accessible the many ways chemists are tackling fundamental environmental problems – including those for which the chemical industry itself is a source.

    With up-to-date, balanced, and authoritative coverage of soil, water, and air chemistry, the Fifth Edition offers:
    • Expanded coverage of energy production (especially biofuels), the generation and disposal of CO2, and innovative ways to combat climate change. 
    • Increased international coverage to give all students a better perspective on environmental problems and solutions around the world – for example, increased coverage of gaseous and particulate air pollution and CO2 emissions and air quality standards in both developed and developing countries.
    • Updated Green Chemistry cases, including new cases on bio-based toners, recycling carbon dioxide, VOCs in latex paints, bio-based liquid fuels and chemicals, and spinetoram-an improved green pesticide.
    • An Activity in most chapters - Web- or library-based mini-projects to be completed either by  an individual student or as a group project.
    • More schematic diagrams have been added to promote student comprehension of the more complicated chemistry and appeal to a variety of learning styles.
    • Marginal notes – to supplement the main text with additional interesting material, and to indicate which Review Questions are relevant to the material at hand.

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