
Business Partner C1 Workbook

作者:Eunice Yeates
原價:NT$ 400

出版商:Pearson Education
參考網頁:Business Partner


    Discover the innovative world of Business Partner, a new eight-Level business English course for learners and professionals who want to communicate effectively in English in the workplace. Partnering with the Financial Times means that this course also offers a wealth of international business information on a wide variety of topics.

    Business Partner allows for personalization of the learning experience with a structured modular approach that gives the flexibility to focus on specific needs and learning outcomes.

    The Business Partner Workbook offers flexible self-study practice:
    • Vocabulary and grammar activities help to consolidate the language covered in the coursebook
    • Reading, listening and writing activities extend the skills developed in the coursebook
    • Spoken English section helps to improve understanding of speakers of different accents, using colloquial English.
    • Task-types reflect business English exam tasks.

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