
Secret Garden (11003)

作者:Frances Hodgson Burnett
原價:NT$ 260

頁數/規格:320 pages


    When 10-year-old orphan Mary Lennox is sent to live with her reclusive uncle Archibald (Colin Firth) and his strict housekeeper Mrs. Medlock (Julie Walters) in a mysterious Yorkshire manor, she feels lonelier than ever before. But her curiosity and determination lead her to disobey the adults and explore the forbidding house. While roaming the grounds of the manor she discovers an enchanted and boundless garden that has been hidden for years and reflects her limitless imagination. With local boy Dickon, her sick cousin Colin, and a playful stray dog, Mary embraces this world of wonder, unlocking secrets from the past and revealing a whole new life of hope and friendship for her to discover.

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