
Presentation Matters

作者:Richard Hill Davis, Michael McCollister
原價:NT$ 450

出版商:Tung Hua Book Co., Ltd.

內容介紹 作者介紹

    This book is ideal for learners who need to give presentations in English. It teaches learners the skills and the language to prepare them to speak and present in public. Each unit highlights a specific aspect of presenting and expert guidance which will enable learners to deliver presentations in confidence.

    Key Features
    • Warm-up exercises help learners better understand the unit theme.
    • Listening extracts offer a variety of presentation topics to advance learners’ listening skills.
    • Language Focus introduces and practices the useful phrases and vocabulary.
    • Video Lesson enhances learners’ understanding of the presentation skills with guided activities that engage them in analyzing the presentation.
    • Presentation Task at the end of each unit consolidates the presentation skills learners have learned with extra tips from real-life professionals that bring their presentation up a notch. This section enables learners to put the skills into practice.

    • Downloadable MP3s
    • Teacher’s Manual
    • Presentation Tool

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