
Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering 7/e

作者:Giorgio Rizzoni, James Kearns
原價:NT$ 1,600

參考網頁:Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering 7/e

內容介紹 本書特色 目錄

    Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, Seventh Edition, introduces students to the fundamental concepts and analyses of electrical, electronic, and electromechanical engineering required of practicing engineers working on interdisciplinary teams throughout the industry. In doing so, it prepares students for the modern engineering world in which effective communication across multiple disciplines and technical perspectives is a required skill and a working reality. The text employs a variety of practical applications to reach a wide audience of engineering students. Its pedagogy reveals meaningful structures common in the design of instrumentation and other devices and how these structures clarify analytic methods of problem solving. Fully-worked examples of practical applications reinforce those methods and stimulate student interest.

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