
Effective Leadership 4/e

作者:Robert N. Lussier, Christopher Achua
原價:NT$ 1,000

出版商:Cengage Learning


    Table of Contents
    Part one Individuals as Leaders
    1. Introduction to Leadership
    2. Leadership Ethics and Traits
    3. Leadership Motivation and Behavior
    4. Power, Politics, Networking, Negotiation: The Art of Influencing 
    5. Contingency Leadership

    Part two Team Leadership
    6. Communication, Coaching, and Conflict Skills
    7. Leader-Follower Relations
    8. Team Leadership and Self-Managed Teams

    Part three Organizational Leadership
    9. Charismatic and Transformational Leadership
    10. Leadership of Culture, Ethics, and Diversity
    11. Strategic Leadership and Change Management
    12. Crisis Leadership and the Learning Organization

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