
Principles of Economics 4/e

作者:Dirk Mateer, Lee Coppock
原價:NT$ 1,980

出版商:W. W. Norton & Co.
參考網頁:Principles of Economics 4/e

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    Mateer and Coppock Make Economics for Everyone

    Drawing on their extensive teaching experience in the classroom and online, Mateer and Coppock continuously innovate to address the changing teaching and learning challenges faced by instructors and students. The Fourth Edition introduces new scaffolded learning pedagogy with a Norton Illumine Ebook as well as revised InQuizitive and Smartwork activities that provide personalized support and build problem-solving skills. New relevant and relatable examples ensure that students understand how their lives are influenced by economics, and rich Norton Teaching Tools resources help instructors connect with students before, during, and after class.

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