
Psychology: Perspectives and Connections 4/e

作者:Gregory Feist, Erika Rosenberg
原價:NT$ 1,250

參考網頁:Psychology: Perspectives and Connections 4/e

內容介紹 目錄

    Just because we “think” something doesn’t make it true.  Psychology: Perspectives and Connections is designed to move students beyond what may seem obvious to them and have them reevaluate the thoughts and beliefs they bring to the course.  Feist’s accessible approach to science helps students challenge their assumptions, understand research, and recognize that in Psychology, no one perspective tells the whole story.

    Challenging assumptions is the first step in thinking scientifically. While building a foundation in the concepts and principles of psychology, Psychology: Perspectives and Connections encourages students to think critically and question preconceived notions, putting their ideas—and the ideas of others—to the test.

    Also available with this edition is McGraw-Hill Education’s Connect the only integrated learning system that empowers students by continuously adapting to deliver precisely what they need when they need it and how they need it so that your class time is more engaging and effective. Connect is sold separately and does not come automatically with the purchase of the textbook.

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