
Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics 5/e Volume 2

作者:Douglas Giancoli
原價:NT$ 770

出版商:Pearson Education

內容介紹 本書特色 目錄

    Physics for Scientists and Engineers combines outstanding pedagogy and a clear direct narrative with applications to draw you into the physics at hand. You'll gain an understanding of the basic concepts of physics from mechanics to modern physics. Each topic begins with concrete observations and experiences that you can relate to your everyday life and to future professions, and then you'll move to generalizations and aspects of physics that show why we believe what we believe.

    The 5th Edition presents new applications and includes the physics of digital and added problem-solving techniques.

    Physics for Scientists & Engineers is available in the following versions:
    • Complete version contains 44 Chapters including 9 Chapters of modern physics
    • Classic version contains 37 Chapters, 35 on classical physics, plus one each on relativity and quantum theory 3 Volume version: Available separately or packaged together.
    3 Volume version: Available separately or packaged together.
    • Volume 1: Chapters 1-20 on mechanics, including fluids, oscillations, waves, plus heat and thermodynamics.
    • Volume 2: Chapters 21-35 on electricity and magnetism, plus light and optics.
    • Volume 3: Chapters 36-44 on modern physics: relativity, quantum theory, atomic physics, condensed matter, nuclear physics, elementary particles, cosmology and astrophysics.
    • Sections marked with a star * may be considered optional.

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