
Bioprocess Engineering: Basic Concepts 2/e

作者:Michael L. Shuler
原價:NT$ 1,180

出版商:Pearson Education

內容介紹 目錄 作者介紹

    New to This Edition
    • Concepts of validation and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) are introduced
      * Helps students to better understand regulatory constraints on bioprocess development
    • Updated coverage of concepts
      * Shows students the connection between traditional ideas and emerging areas—such as tissue engineering and gene therapy
    • Material on functional genomics and cellular engineering
      * Provides students with new developments in biology as they impact bioprocess engineering
    • Expanded discussion of modeling approach
      * Presents students with a clarified section on models in continuous cultures and adds cybernetic modeling
    • Expanded coverage of chromatography
      * Introduces students to discussions of IMAC (immobilized metal affinity chromatography), use of fusion proteins, and porous supports
    • Expanded sections on metabolic engineering, animal cell culture, and protein processing
      * Offers students information on analysis of metabolic pathways, bioreactor considerations for animal cells, and includes some recent examples
    • Additional examples and homework problems—e.g., on topics such as enzyme reaction; reactor operation and scale-up; purification; waste treatment; and genetically engineered cells
      * Enables students to more thoroughly test their understanding of applied concepts
    • Reorganized coverage
      * Gives students a more logical presentation of genetic instability, strategies for genetic engineering, and then an approach to selection of host expression system for production of a heterologous protein


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